Medicine Shields

The Woodland Native Americans use trees and rocks for shields, but the Plains Native Americans have no such protection. Therefore, they make themselves a shield of heavy rawhide. It is more than just protection against arrows and bullets, it is their "medicine," for the Native Americans believe, that it will protect them from all harm, and they make it so that the mere sight of it will strike terror into the hearts of their enemies. It is one of their most prized possessions and hung in the place of honor in their home, or in nice weather, it is hung in front of their home.

After the coming of high-powered rifles many of the Native Americans still carried a ceremonial or medicine sheild made of thin rawhide or buckskin drawn taut over a hoop. Sometimes a loop large enough to go over the head and one shoulder, was fastened to the shield. This enabled the warrior to carry it on his back in the same manner that a quiver is carried. Native Americans usually held their hoops with two loops of buckskin, but currently bent sticks across the back make it easier to handle the shield for dance purposes.

The Native American Shield protects them from harm and gives them wonderful powers. It is supposed to terrify their enemies and has mysterious qualities which only the owner knows about. The painting and the objects tied to the shield, all have their special meanings and qualities which are in turn are imparted to the owner of the shield.

White eagle feathers are always used when on hand, still other feathers are valued for their significance, ie Owl feathers mean sight at night and the Crow has wonderful sight during the day.

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