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Definitions of Medical Actions

You will find the following most useful when referring to text books on herbs:

    ALTERNATIVES--Producing a healthful change without perception.

    ANODYNE--Relieves pain.

    ANTHELMINTIC--A medicine that expels worms.

    APERIENT--Gentle laxative without purging.

    AROMATIC--A stimulant; spicy

    ASTRINGENT--Causes contractions and arrests discharges.

    ANTIBILIOUS--Acts on the bile, relieving biliousness.

    ANTIMETIC--Stops vomiting.

    ANTILEPTIC--Relieves fits.

    ANTIPERIODIC--Arrests morbid periodic movements.

    ANTHILIC--Prevents the formation of stones in the urinary organs.

    ANTIRHEUMATIC--Relieves and cures rheumatism.

    ANTISCORBUTIC--Cures and prevents scurvy.

    ANTISEPTIC--A medicine that aims at stopping putrification.

    ANTISPASMODIC--Relieves and prevents spasms.

    ANTISYPHILITIC--Having effect or curing venereal diseases.

    CALMATIVES--Used for their calming effect.

    CARMINATIVE--Expels wind from the bowels.

    CATHARTIC--Evacuating from the bowels.

    CEPHALIC--Remedies used in diseases of the head.

    CHOLOGOGUE--Increases the flow of bile.

    CONDIMENT--Improves the flavor of food.

    DEMULCENT--Soothing; relieves inflammations.

    DEOBSTRUENT--Removes obstructions.

    DEPURATIVE--Purifies the blood.

    DETERGENT--Cleansing to boils, ulcers, wounds, etc.

    DIAPHORETIC--Produces perspiration.

    DISCUTIENT--Dissolves and heals tumors.

    DIURETIC--Increases the secretion and flow of urine.

    EMETIC--Produces vomiting.

    EMMENAGOGUE--Promotes menstruation.

    EMOLLIENT--Softens and soothes inflamed parts.

    ESCULENT--Eatable as a food.

    EXANTHEMATOUS--Remedy for skin eruptions and diseases.

    EXPECTORANT--Facilitates expectoration (coughing).

    FEBRIFUGE--Abates and reduces fevers.

    HEPATIC--A remedy for diseases of the liver.

    HERPATIC--A remedy for skin diseases of all types.

    LAXATIVE--Promotes bowel action.

    LITHONTRYPTIC--Dissolves calculi in the urinary organs.

    NATURATING--Ripens and brings boils to a head.

    MUCILAGINOUS--Soothing to all inflammation.

    NAUSEANT--Produces vomiting.

    NERVINE--Acts specifically on the nervous system; stops nervous excitement.

    NERVE STIMULANTS--Useful for a temporary "lift" when health conditions do not prohibit caffeine.

    OPTHALMICUM--A remedy for eye diseases.

    PARTURIENT--Induces and promotes labor at childbirth.

    PECTORAL--A remedy for chest affections.

    PURGATIVES--Agents which induce copious evacuation.


    RESOLVENT--Dissolves boils and tumors.

    RUBIFACIENT--Increases circulation and produces red skin.

    SEDATIVE--A nerve tonic; promotes sleep.

    SIALOGOGUE--Increases the secretion of saliva.

    STIMULANT--To quicken or increase various functional actions of the system.

    STOMATIC--Strengthens the stomach. Relieves indigestion.

    STYPTIC--Arrests bleeding.

    SUDORIFIC--Produces profuse perspiration.

    TONIC--A remedy which is invigorating and strengthening.

    VERMIFUGE--Expels worms from the system.

    VULNERARY--An application for minor external wounds.

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