

Frog sings the songs that bring the rain and make the road dirt more bearable. Frog medicine is akin to water energy, and the East on the medicine wheel. Frog teaches us to honor our tears, for they cleanse the soul. All water rites belong to Frog, including all initiations by water.

Water prepares and cleanses the body for sacred ceremony. It is the element we understand best in the womb. Frog, like ourselves, is a polywog in the fetal womb, and only learns to hop after it experiences the world of fluidity.

The transformation into adulthood prepares Frog for its power to call in the waters of the skies: the rain. In knowing the element of water, Frog can sing the song that calls the rain to Earth. When the ponds are dry, Frog calls upon the Thunder Beings to cleanse and replenish the Earth with water. Like Frog, we are asked to know when it is time to refresh, purify, and refill the coffers of the soul.

If Frog hopped into your life today, its "ribbet" may be calling in the cleansing you need. If you were to look at where you are today, would you use any of the following words to describe your condition: tired, overloaded, harried, frustrated, guilty, itchy, nervous, at a loss, empty, or weakened?

If so, take a break and allow yourself to bathe in the waters of Frog medicine. This could mean a long, relaxing bath, disconnecting the phone, yelling "stop," or taking in deep, cleansing breaths.

The key thought is to find a way to rid yourself of distractions and to replace the mud with clear energy. Then replenish your parched spirit, body, and mind.

An ability of Frog medicine people is to give support and energy where it is needed. A Frog medicine person can clean negativity from any environment. Many mediums or clairvoyants who work with cleaning "haunted" houses carry Frog medicine. Many of the world's seers use water on their hands when tapping into other realms of reality due to water's super-conductive nature.

In Mayan and Aztec shamanistic practices, the shaman places water in his or her mouth and sprays it over the body of a patient to clear away negative energy. This is done while holding the thought of Frog firmly in the mind so that healing may occur and the patient may be replenished with positive energy. Sometimes dried and stuffed Frogs are also used to guard the person's body during the session.

Frog speaks of new life and harmony through its rain song. The deep tones of Frog's "ribbet" are said to be a call to the Thunder Beings: thunder, lightning, and rain. The "ribbet" is the heartbeat that comes into harmony with Father Sky and calls for the replenishment needed. Call to Frog and find peace in the joy of taking time to give to yourself. A part of this giving is cleansing yourself of *any person, place, or thing* that does not contribute to your new state of serenity and replenishment.


Frog slipped in the mud and is lying on its back, unable to right itself. Get ready for more mud in your eye.

The contrary position of Frog can denote an unwillingness on your part to wipe the mire out of your life. Mud can turn from mire to bog to quicksand if you don't recognize its effect on your present situation.

Is someone draining your energy? Are you allowing yourself to ride down the tubes with them? Have you tried to settle someone else's quarrel and gotten in the line of fire? *Stop!* Recognize what it is that is mucking up the lily pond. Swim with Frog. Frog's bug eyes see it all. Dive deeply, and then bop to the next lilly pad to catch the sun. In this way you may see exactly what has been draining your energy.

At times, all of life's acivities can be overwhelming, and everyone occassionally needs a break. Contrary Frog can signal one of these moments, but can also portend a time of feeling waterlogged. In feeling waterlogged, you may be dealing with too many emotions or feelings. This is to say that "the world is too much with you," or that you have immersed yourself in one idea or activity to the exclusion of all other facets of your life. If this is the case, a break from routine is suggested. Hop to other lily pads or visit other ponds for awhile.

Negativity is drawn to you when you refuse to give yourself the time and space needed to assume a new viewpoint. Frog in the contrary position is an omen that you are courting disaster if you don't stop and smell the lilies, eat some flies, bask in the sun, and "ribbet" until the rain comes to refill your spirit.

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